Learn AWS for free without paying a thing


Are you a beginner to cloud looking to learn AWS but can’t afford the expensive boot camps or don’t want to pay then I’ve got you covered.

Check out AWS Educate where you can learn AWS skills for free all you need is your email address for registration, no credit card required.
AWS Educate is an initiative by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to support and provide resources for people to learn cloud computing and related technologies. It is meant to equip the next generation of cloud professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the technology industry.

AWS Educate is open to any individual, regardless of where you are in your education, technical experience, or career journey. The content has been curated for beginners so you don’t have to to be an expert and resources provided are perfect beginners.
The program provides you with free access to a variety of AWS services. This access enables you to gain hands-on experience with real cloud infrastructure, allowing you to apply your theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios thus making you gain practical experience with cloud technologies which can help make you a better fit in the job market too.
There is a wealth of learning content, including tutorials, courses, and learning pathways, covering a wide range of topics related to cloud computing, machine learning, big data, cybersecurity, and many more.

AWS Educate also provides a job board where you can explore internships or search and apply for job opportunities from AWS customers and partners through the AWS Educate Job Board. A solid stepping stone to your cloud career!

Overall, AWS Educate is an essential resource for anyone interested in cloud computing, providing the tools and knowledge needed to excel in this rapidly evolving field. Whether you are a student, educator, or an educational institution, AWS Educate opens up new opportunities for learning, teaching, and building a successful cloud career.

Happy Clouding!

Samuel Barden

Samuel Barden

AWS Solutions Architect & Atlassian Developer
I build scalable cloud solutions and develop solutions for Atlassian suite.

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